Accordian Book Ottomans

The Bookniture Transforms from a Sturdy Seat to Novel with Simple Folding

As consumers seek for flat pack furniture solutions for small spaces and layouts, the Bookniture is a convenient store away sturdy seat design that can easily be folded up into a book when not in use. The book is made out of a series of corrugated cardboard folds that come together to create a hexagonal base that supports a sitting person. When not in use, the seat folds up into a thin book for easy storage.

The Bookniture is a modern take on a traditional chair, offering consumers a quick place to sit without taking too much room that can be folded within seconds and put to use. The furniture piece is available in a variety of colors such as red, black and brown to suit various decors. The Bookniture can also be used as an ottomon, table or stool as well thanks to its minimalist, yet multifunctional, design.

Urban consumers are actively looking for furniture pieces that offer reliable functionality, but can as easily be stored away to save on space.
Trend Themes
1. Flat Pack Furniture Solutions for Small Spaces - The Bookniture offers a convenient and space-saving solution for urban consumers seeking furniture that can easily be folded and stored away.
2. Multifunctional Furniture Design - The Bookniture's minimalist design allows it to be used as a seat, ottoman, table, or stool, providing consumers with versatile and adaptable furniture options.
3. Modernizing Traditional Furniture - The Bookniture is a modern take on a traditional chair, combining functionality with innovative folding design.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - The furniture industry can explore the demand for flat pack furniture that offers both functionality and space-saving abilities.
2. Home Decor - The home decor industry can incorporate multifunctional furniture designs like the Bookniture into their product offerings to appeal to customers seeking versatile and space-saving solutions.
3. Interior Design - Interior designers can use the Bookniture to optimize space in small urban dwellings while maintaining a stylish and modern aesthetic.

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