Activism Through Aerial Photography


In the midst of the green fad, when social statements go after instant shock value more often than not, it's refreshing to see a truly inspired project meticulously planned and brilliantly executed, loaded with insight and creative merit. 360° BULGARIA, the latest exhibition by Bulgarian photographer Alexander "Sasho" Ivanov, is the culmination of an 8-year-long project involving a camera, a paraglider, and a powerful environmental conscience.

The breathtaking collection of aerial photographs, shot from the wing of a paraglider, aims to awaken our emotional connection to the environment and remind us just what it is we're losing as we continue to squander our planet.

The 58-year-old photographer's inspiration is incredibly raw and moving:

"I was born here. I grew up here, together with the grasses, the stones, the trees, the rivers and the winds. They taught me who I am, they showed me how to see, hear and feel, but most importantly â€" what it means to love and be free. This nature is a part of me, a part of my memory of myself."

Besides the pure aesthetic indulgence, the exhibition gives us a sense of our own smallness -- a subtle yet incredibly powerful way to remind us of the fundamental greatness of the Earth.
Trend Themes
1. Aerial Environmental Activism - Aerial photography and videography utilized for environmental activism and awareness.
2. 360-degree Photography - Photography utilizing 360-degree technology for immersive experiences and unique perspectives.
3. Environmental Emotional Connection - Utilizing emotional connection to nature and the environment for activism and preservation.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Innovative aerial and immersive photography practices for environmental and social activism purposes.
2. Environmental Conservation - Incorporating emotional connection and creative perspectives into environmental conservation efforts.
3. Art and Exhibitions - Creative exhibitions and installations aimed at raising awareness and inspiring action for environmental causes.

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