Safety-Focused Street Expansions

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Toronto to Provide Residents with More Room on the Sidewalks

Toronto is responding to the lack of space for pedestrians and cyclists with street expansions during a time of uncertainty with the COVID-19 outbreak. Residents are socially distancing for precautionary measures, but due to the need of going outside for health purposes, 'activeTO' is the city's latest plan.

Mayor John Tory announced the plan earlier this week in promise to create more space on the streets. The plan is made up of three main parts with a focus of creating a safer environment to ride and walk. It is targeting 50 kilometers of residential streets to slow down traffic and restrict it to pedestrians and cyclists. Some roads will also be temporarily closing on weekends, especially those near public parks.
Trend Themes
1. Safe Streets - Creating more space on the streets for pedestrians and cyclists to promote safety and physical distancing during uncertain times.
2. Active Transportation - Encouraging the use of walking and cycling as alternative modes of transport for health and safety reasons.
3. Traffic Reduction - Implementing measures to slow down traffic on residential streets and restrict it to pedestrians and cyclists for increased safety.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Planning - Opportunities for urban planners to redesign streets and create safe and accessible spaces for pedestrians and cyclists.
2. Transportation - Innovations in transportation systems and infrastructure to support active transportation and reduce traffic congestion.
3. Public Health - Collaboration between public health authorities and city officials to promote active transportation and create healthier, safer communities.

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