Eco Strawberry Packaging

This Frozen Fruit Bag Idea is Resourceful, Adaptable and Earth-Conscious

This strawberry packaging concept addresses a problem that consumers may not even realize exists. In the manufacturing process of foods and their wrappers alike result in the under and overproduction of units that may end up going to waste when supply and demand are not met. Jessica Brouwer's solution is to put these products in unmarked bags that can be made in great volumes and used to store a variety of different contents.

These freeze-dried berries are labeled with an adhesive tag that can be fastened over the top of a closed brown paper bag. It takes a lot less material to produce these components, while still providing a generous canvas for branding elements like names, logos and images. This strawberry packaging idea is also highly recyclable and inexpensive, making it a clever solution across the consumer packaged goods industry.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Packaging - Opportunity for businesses to reduce waste and create eco-friendly packaging solutions.
2. Versatile Packaging - Opportunity for businesses to use adaptable packaging that can be used for different types of products.
3. Cost-effective Packaging - Opportunity for businesses to save on manufacturing costs by using less material for packaging.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity to create packaging solutions that reduce waste in the manufacturing process.
2. Branding and Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity to design packaging that can serve as a canvas for branding elements.
3. Consumer Packaged Goods - Disruptive innovation opportunity to use recyclable and inexpensive packaging to enhance product value.

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