Affordable Haute Cuisine Appliances

Monoprice's Strata Home Line Includes Impressive Gadgets

Image sharing on social media has led to a rise in so-called foodie culture, and the new Strata Home line from Monoprice aims to bring the techniques of fine dining into consumers' own kitchens. Not only do the cutting edge cooking gadgets allow consumers to create haute cuisine from the comfort of their homes, but the Strata Home line is also affordable enough to make the whole endeavor as economically viable as it is delicious.

The Strata Home line consists of several different items. Perhaps the most noteworthy of those are the gadgets in the sous vide package, which include a sous vide precision cooker and vacuum food sealer. Sous vide is a popular modern food preparation technique that involves vacuum-sealing a dish and cooking it in finely controlled hot water.
Trend Themes
1. Affordable Haute Cuisine Appliances - Making haute cuisine appliances affordable to consumers.
2. Sous Vide Gadgets - Introducing precision cooking gadgets for sous vide techniques.
3. Rise of 'foodie' Culture - Tapping into consumers' love of food and restaurant-style cooking at home.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Monoprice brings innovative kitchen appliances accessible for consumers looking for affordable options.
2. Food and Beverage - Partnering with professional chefs and food bloggers to promote the use of haute cuisine gadgets at home.
3. E-commerce and Retail - Offering an online retail experience that curates and promotes innovative kitchen appliances that encourages your inner foodie.

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