Stick-Covered Arenas

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The Stork Nest Farm by SGL Projekt is for Horse-Riding

You will probably mistake this incredible structure for a massive bird's nest, but the Stork Nest Farm is actually a horse-riding arena.

The area used to be a farmstead with a distillery, but it has been abandoned since the 1980s. When the architects from SGL Projekt were assigned to revitalize the land, they found that the area's remaining residents were storks that lived in the distillery's chimney. Thus, storks became a symbol for the new riding arena and the Stork Nest Farm building was born.

The building itself is a giant dome with a skylight at the very top of the roof. The structure is made with glulam timber beams, while the exterior is constructed out of translucent polycarbonate and covered in over 200 tons of oak logs. Inside, there is a circular riding arena as well as a hotel, conference room, restaurant and other facilities.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Construction - Using sustainable and biodegradable materials, such as timber, can create unique and visually appealing structures while minimizing environmental impact.
2. Nature-inspired Design - Drawing inspiration from natural elements, such as birds' nests, can result in innovative and distinctive architectural designs that stand out from traditional buildings.
3. Multi-purpose Buildings - Combining different functions within a single structure, such as a riding arena, hotel, and conference center, allows for efficient use of space and resources while providing convenience for users.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - Opportunities for architects and designers to develop environmentally sustainable and visually unique structures that draw inspiration from the natural world.
2. Hospitality and Events - Opportunities for hotels, conference centers, and other event venues to incorporate unusual and distinctive designs into their facilities to attract clients and stand out from competitors.
3. Sustainable Construction Materials - Opportunities for the development and use of sustainable construction materials, such as timber, that can minimize environmental impact while creating visually impressive structures.

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