Tweaked Traffic Signs

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The STOP Project by Changing Lines Sends Positive and Quirky Messages

The word 'stop' can easily be considered as one of the more abrasive commands spotted on the road--the STOP Project hopes to change that. It combines typography and traffic signs for playful messages that will replace a driver's scowl with a smile. For instance, one tweaked traffic sign reads "Don't STOP until you get enough" while another reads "STOP in the name of love."

Conceived and put together by Changing Lines, people might argue that the creative STOP Project additions might jeopardize people's safety, especially the succinct "Don't STOP" one, but the signs are so iconic it shouldn't be an issue. According to the designer, the STOP Project uses this particular sign "in order to create an immediate relationship between the messages, the locations and the experiences of the moment."
Trend Themes
1. Positive Traffic Signs - Using typography and playful messages on traffic signs to create a more enjoyable driving experience.
2. Quirky Road Safety - Changing traditional traffic signs to add a touch of humor and lightheartedness.
3. Iconic Signage Innovation - Inventing new uses for iconic traffic signs in order to enhance public spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - Creating a new form of signage that could be used throughout roadways to enhance the driving experience.
2. Public Art - Developing creative and humorous displays of public art that utilize existing infrastructure like traffic signs.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Creating partnerships with brands and organizations to display playful and positive messages on traffic signs for promotional purposes.

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