Floral Coffee Designs

The Starbucks B-Side Harajuku 2014 Summer Line is Refreshing

The Starbucks B-Side Harajuku 2014 Summer collection is one way to add a refreshing element to the home or office. It is made up of a thermos, coffee mug and pack of playing cards that all boast the same design: an all-white canvas dotted with small colorful flowers. Clean and minimalist, the design is nevertheless memorable and timeless, which is something many people will appreciate.

Designed in collaboration with Hiroshi Fujiwara of fragments design for their Omotesando B-Side concept store, the Starbucks B-Side Harajuku 2014 Summer collection has a feminine flair, but can easily be enjoyed by men as well. It is set to be available on July 16, 2014, in limited amounts. So act fast.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Floral Designs - Opportunity to incorporate clean and elegant floral designs into various products, creating a modern and timeless aesthetic.
2. Collaborative Design Partnerships - Opportunity for businesses to collaborate with well-known designers to create unique and memorable products that appeal to a wide audience.
3. Limited Edition Collections - Opportunity to create buzz and demand by releasing limited edition collections of products that are only available for a short time.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Opportunity for home decor businesses to create minimalistic floral designs for products like mugs, thermoses, and playing cards.
2. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to incorporate floral designs into clothing and accessories, inspired by the Starbucks B-Side Harajuku collection.
3. Hospitality - Opportunity for hotels and restaurants to collaborate with designers and create limited edition collections of products to enhance their brand image and create a unique customer experience.

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