Intergalactic Apps

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The Star Wars Arcade for iPhone Lets You Shoot Down Your Surroundings

If you're a huge Star Wars junkie like myself, you will be super-excited to witness the introduction of this brand new Star Wars Arcade game called 'Falcon Gunner.' While the other Star Wars apps available on iPhone can be fun -- like the light sabre app -- none of these will compare to a first-person shooting game!

The Star Wars Arcade uses your camera to capture your surroundings while allowing you to shoot! Think this is cool? Wait until you check out the video to see this game in action.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Gaming - Opportunities to develop innovative games using augmented reality technology.
2. Movie Tie-in Gaming - Opportunities for businesses to develop more interactive movie-based gaming experiences.
3. Mobile Gaming - Opportunities for mobile gaming to evolve and expand with new, immersive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Businesses in the gaming industry can explore new gaming experiences and attract a wider audience.
2. Film - Film studios can expand their reach and engage audiences with interactive movie-based gaming tie-ins.
3. Technology - Opportunities for technology companies to develop and innovate with augmented reality gaming technology.

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