Ethereal Spring Water Branding

This Drinking Water's Packaging is Inspired by Astronomy

This spring water branding was designed by 'Unicorn Studio Moscow' and was inspired by the water's name.

The brand is based in Russia and its name is 'Kometa,' which translates to "comet" in English. The brand is new and is produced for both domestic and international markets – so it understands the need to have a product that is highly memorable to consumers. The resulting bottles are a deep purple-blue in color and feature a silver image of what looks like a simply interpreted shooting star. The imagery for the spring water branding is set against backgrounds that look like space.

This water brand is able to offer a unique aesthetic that will work towards ensuring the company is able to stand out from its competitors.
Trend Themes
1. Astro-inspired Branding - Opportunity for other brands to explore packaging and design concepts influenced by celestial elements.
2. Memorable Product Aesthetics - Potential for businesses to create distinctive packaging that captures consumers' attention and creates a lasting impression.
3. Space-inspired Backgrounds - Chance for companies to incorporate cosmic imagery into their branding to evoke a sense of wonder and uniqueness.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Packaging - The beverage industry can leverage celestial-inspired designs to differentiate their products and enhance brand recognition.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketing and advertising agencies to incorporate astro-themed visuals into campaigns for clients seeking a distinct brand identity.
3. Graphic Design - Graphic design professionals can explore space-inspired motifs to create striking visual elements for various industries and products.

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