Musical Menu Bars

'SpotMenu' Lets Mac Users Put Music Players Into Their Menu Bars

When working, music can be the difference between hours of unbroken focus and hours of sitting around idly while the time ticks by, so SpotMenu is as much an efficiency tool as it is anything else. The program allows users to control their Spotify and iTunes applications directly from the menu bar on Mac computers, making it far more convenient to DJ one's own selection.

Controlling one's music can be a pain, especially at the moment when it feels like you're hitting a groove while working. Switching out of one's work application to open up Spotify might seem like a quick move, but it's all too easy to get caught up browsing albums and reading up on artists. With SpotMenu, that temptation is all but removed.
Trend Themes
1. Menu Bar Integration - Opportunity for app developers to create menu bar integration for other applications, such as video players or messaging apps.
2. Efficiency Tools for Music - Development of efficiency tools for other music services, such as Pandora, Amazon Music, or Tidal.
3. Seamless User Experience - Continued trend of developing seamless and intuitive user experiences across different applications and services.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming Services - Opportunity for music streaming services to create their own menu bar integration or partner with app developers to do so.
2. Productivity Apps - Development of menu bar integration for productivity apps such as note-taking apps or to-do list apps.
3. Video Streaming Services - Opportunity for video streaming services to create their own menu bar integration with their application.

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