Spooky Legend Charts

This Graphic Defines Tales Around the World for the Halloween Season

‘MorphCostumes’ created this clever infographic that illustrates and defines spooky legends from around the world. In the spirit of Halloween, the chart aims to bring a cultural awareness of folklore tales to mainstream society.

Titled ‘Bone-Chilling Legends from Around the World,’ the chart is broken up into country-specific stories. Each region has about three legends, which are represented with an image of a ghastly monster. All of the spooky legends incorporate a monster, making these illustrations the perfect visual accompaniment to each horror story.

The stories on the chart range from the ‘Abo Ragl Ma Slokha’ of Africa to the ‘Jersey Devil’ in North America. The chart adds a creative yet educational approach to scaring those young and old during the eerie October festivities.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Awareness of Folklore Tales - Brands can create unique experiences by incorporating lesser known folklore tales from different cultures into their marketing campaigns.
2. Interactive Infographics - Developing interactive infographics that allow users to explore the bone-chilling legends further can drive engagement and website traffic.
3. Halloween-themed Education - As Halloween is becoming a more culturally significant holiday, there is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to create educational products centered around spooky legends and folklore tales.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Creating campaigns that incorporate lesser-known folklore tales can help brands differentiate and appeal to a diverse audience.
2. Media and Entertainment - Interactive infographics that explore spooky legends can be leveraged in the entertainment industry to promote films, TV shows, and other media content.
3. Education - Entrepreneurs can create educational products centered around spooky legends and folklore tales to capitalize on the increasing cultural significance of Halloween.

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