Projector-Embedded Speakers

The 'Sound.B' Speaker Projector is Streamlined and Futuristic

Visual technology has become the number one solution with audio coming in as a close second, but this is something the 'Sound.B' looks to change with a designed that is a speaker first and a television second.

The Bluetooth-enabled sound bar sports a vertical beam projector in the design that allows you to stream your favorite channel or program, while the speaker in the unit can be used to accompany this or let you listen to music at your leisure. The incorporation of projection technology hides the equipment in plain sight when not in use to ensure the space keeps a clean aesthetic.

The 'Sound.B' is the design work of Younggyu Kwon and identifies a growing shift away from traditional TVs to technology that can be hidden when not in use to make a space more multifunctional.
Trend Themes
1. Multifunctional Audiovisual Technology - There is an opportunity to create technology that can serve multiple purposes, such as the 'Sound.B' with its built-in speaker and projector.
2. Invisible Design - The integration of projector technology into a speaker allows for a cleaner aesthetic and can be further explored to create technology that disappears when not in use.
3. Wireless Connectivity - Bluetooth-enabled speakers like the 'Sound.B' provide convenience and portability, suggesting an opportunity for more wireless audiovisual technology.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Companies in the consumer electronics industry can consider incorporating trends such as integrated projectors, invisible design, and wireless connectivity into their audiovisual technology products.
2. Home Decor - Incorporating multifunctional technology with an invisible design would allow for versatile and visually clean home decor, opening up an opportunity for companies in the design industry to explore this avenue.
3. Entertainment - The combination of a speaker and projector in the 'Sound.B' opens up opportunities for companies in the entertainment industry to create more immersive and multifunctional experiences for their audiences.

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