Soundwave Typeface Ads

The Sound Typeface Campaign Visually Sculpts Soundwaves into Words

Music publication NME found a way to get free advertising on popular music service Soundcloud through their Sound Typeface campaign. Since Soundcloud visually displays the soundwaves of songs, Brazilian ad agency DM9Sul decided to leverage that to brand NME content.

Musicians were hired to compose tunes with soundwaves which resemble letters. Each snippet of sound and music that the artists created visually represents a different letter. Using the resulting musical typeface, NME created a tune that spells out the letters that make up its brand name.

The music that contains soundwaves with the letters NME was inserted before every posted song. NME looked for new Brazilian bands and added its branded soundwaves to the beginning of each track. As a result, every time the songs were shared, NME tagged along for the ride and received free publicity.
Trend Themes
1. Musical Branding - Exploring the visual representation of soundwaves to create unique typefaces and branding opportunities.
2. User-generated Content - Leveraging user-generated content on social media to expand brand awareness and create buzz around products or services.
3. Creative Advertising - Thinking outside the box to create innovative and visually-striking advertising campaigns that capture attention and generate buzz.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - Finding new and inventive ways to showcase music and create partnerships with other brands in the industry.
2. Advertising Industry - Developing new techniques and strategies to help brands stand out and connect with audiences in unique and engaging ways.
3. Digital Marketing Industry - Maximizing the potential of social media platforms to drive brand awareness and create new opportunities for engagement and sales.

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