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Atypical Energy Clothing

Sound Charge T-Shirt Replenishes Your Battery Through Noise

The Sound Charge T-Shirt is the result of a collaboration between mobile carrier Orange and clean energy company Gotwind; their product, Glastonbury Music Festival, is a t-shirt that converts sound waves into energy to re-power your mobile device. The top half of the t-shirt as an area to place your device, and the bottom half has a strip that converts sound pressure waves into into electrical charge that's stored in a battery.

The Sound Charge T-shirt follows from other projects that Gotwind has launched to attempt to find new ways to generate energy. Last year, the company created boots for a music festival that recharged a mobile device through the movement of walking. The T-shirt is an innovative concept that will hopefully make it to more festivals in the near future.

Implications - The Sound Charge T-shirt reflects the desire for innovation for carbon-free products. This urge stems from the values of the eco-movement that inform a large cross-section of society. Companies should consider ways in which to launch and effectively promote green initiatives as an integral part of their brand identity.

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