Smart Stat Trackers

Sony Gets in on the Stat Tracker Game with its SmartBand at CES 2014

You’ve seen stat trackers before. They have them in shoes, on clothes and on wrists -- so what sets the Sony smartband apart?

The cool thing about this is it isn’t the band itself that is the power behind the system. Sony has created its own core that should be able to be slotted into different pieces of equipment down the road. That, in essence, is what sets this apart -- the versatility of that tiny little core.

The Sony Smartband is also more than just a stat tracker, as it collects various other kinds of information as well such as photos, travels and events. This piece of tech is going to much more than just count calories for you but if that’s what you want it’ll do that for you too.

The accompanying app will be available on Androids and will work with Android 4.3 and up, so most modern phones will be covered.
Trend Themes
1. Versatile Stat Tracking - The creation of a tiny core that can be slotted into different pieces of equipment presents an opportunity for businesses to create versatile stat trackers.
2. Multi-function Wearables - The Sony Smartband collects various types of data, presenting an opportunity for businesses to innovate multi-function wearables.
3. Comprehensive Data Collection - The Sony Smartband collects various types of data, including photos, travels, and events, illustrating an opportunity for businesses to innovate comprehensive data collection devices.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Wearables Industry - The Sony Smartband's stat tracking capabilities provide an opportunity for disruption in the fitness wearables industry.
2. Photography Industry - The Sony Smartband's ability to collect photos presents an opportunity for disruption in the photography industry with wearable camera components.
3. Event Management Industry - The Sony Smartband's data collection capabilities present an opportunity for disruption in the event management industry with wearable ticketing and identification technology.

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