E-Reader Rebuttals

Shooting Back at the Kindle With the Sony Touch and Pocket

The Kindle fire won’t burn out quite, yet but the new Sony Reader Touch and Pocket are trying to oust the flames.

The Sony Reader Touch and Pocket is an upgraded replacement of the previous touchscreen model which has removed the reading light for better use of the interface. The Sony Reader Touch and Pocket is a much more compact and easily transportable device that comes with a 5-inch screen and an additional dictionary/card slot.

The Sony Reader Touch and Pocket both look like formidable competitors, but they lack a wireless connection which could hurt them in the end. You decide!
Trend Themes
1. Compact E-readers - The trend of compact e-readers presents an opportunity for companies to design smaller, more portable devices with enhanced features.
2. Upgraded Interface - The trend of upgrading e-reader interfaces offers companies the chance to improve user experience by removing unnecessary features and adding more efficient functionalities.
3. Wireless Connectivity - The trend of wireless connectivity in e-readers provides a chance for companies to create devices that offer seamless internet access for downloading and sharing content.
Industry Implications
1. E-reader Manufacturing - The e-reader manufacturing industry can leverage the trend of compact e-readers to produce smaller, more convenient devices that meet consumers' on-the-go needs.
2. Consumer Electronics Retail - The consumer electronics retail industry can capitalize on the trend of upgraded e-reader interfaces by offering a wide range of e-readers with improved user interfaces to attract tech-savvy customers.
3. Wireless Communication Services - The wireless communication services industry can tap into the trend of wireless connectivity in e-readers by providing fast and reliable internet services to support seamless content downloading and sharing.

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