Inspirational Myth-Breaking Comics

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'Something Terrible by Dean Trippe is a Powerful Story

‘Something Terrible’ by Dean Trippe is a 14 page digital comic that deals with childhood trauma experienced by the creator.

The story of ‘Something Terrible’ centers around a young Trippe who becomes a victim of sexual abuse and how comic book heroes helped him through this tough time in his life. Dean Trippe also had another goal in mind with ‘Something Terrible’ and that was to help dispel the wildly held belief that those who are victims of sexual assault as a children are more likely to become abusers themselves. This idea haunts the character in the book, manifesting itself as a phantom third arm pointing a gun at his head, that is present for most of his life.

With ‘Something Terrible’ Dean Trippe has created a truly moving tale, which will hopefully help to dispel the myth that continues to pain many people.
Trend Themes
1. Childhood Trauma Awareness - Addressing childhood trauma through artistic mediums can raise awareness and promote healing.
2. Dispelling Myths - Using personal narratives and storytelling to challenge commonly held beliefs can lead to positive social change.
3. Art Therapeutics - Exploring the therapeutic potential of art as a means of self-expression and healing.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health Services - Incorporating art therapy programs into mental health services can provide effective support for individuals dealing with childhood trauma.
2. Publishing - Publishers can focus on sharing personal narratives and stories that challenge societal myths, promoting empathy and understanding.
3. Art and Entertainment - Artists and entertainers can use their platforms to address important social issues and advocate for change.

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