Best Practice Books

Social Enterprise Unraveled is a Publication Tackling Global Challenges

Written by Willemijn Verloop and Mark Hillen, Social Enterprise Unraveled: Best Practice from the Netherlands is part guide and part description of the social entrepreneurship field. The book was released this June and focuses on about two dozen best practice strategies in the region while at the same time has a global outlook.

"When I started TOMS in 2006, I wish I'd had a handbook that walked me through the successes and pitfalls of those who had gone before me," TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie wrote on the book. "Social Enterprise Unraveled offers a number of case studies that enlighten and educate all of us who believe business can serve a social good." Who better than Mycoskie to sing praise on a book about using business as a tool for creative and positive social change?

Contact Information
Social Enterprise Unraveled on Amazon
Trend Themes
1. Social Entrepreneurship Field Guide - Opportunity to create a comprehensive and updated guide for social entrepreneurship that can provide case studies, strategies, and challenges to help the aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators.
2. Cross-country Best Practices - Opportunity to identify and compile best practices across different countries and regions to provide a global perspective on social entrepreneurship.
3. Socially Responsible Business Practices - Opportunity for businesses to adopt more social responsibility practices that aim to create positive social change and benefit society beyond profits.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Opportunity for publishing companies to invest in books that promote social entrepreneurship and provide guidance in the field.
2. Social Enterprises - Opportunity to adopt and implement best practices of successful social enterprises from around the world to enhance their impact and achieve their mission.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Opportunity for companies to embrace CSR and invest resources in social initiatives that will help them build trust and credibility among various stakeholders.

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