Social Media Marketing Statistics

More Companies are Using Social Commerce to Boost Business

Using just Facebook alone as a social commerce platform, many businesses have seen a major boost in their online presence, generating more sales and brand awareness than ever before.

Consumers and potential consumers want to follow brands on social media because they see the benefit in gaining access to special offers, events as well as having the opportunity to leave feedback directly. Statistics show that less than one in five people have left negative feedback on company Facebook pages and 90% of all purchases are accredited to social media influence, making social commerce a worthy pursuit for any business looking to strengthen its online marketing plan.

This infographic by Ambassador provides simple and effective tips for strategically enhancing a company's Facebook profile and enhance brand image.
Trend Themes
1. Social Commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a seamless shopping experience within social media platforms to capitalize on the influence of social media on consumer purchasing decisions.
2. Brand Engagement - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create personalized and interactive experiences for consumers on social media platforms to encourage brand loyalty and advocacy.
3. Social Media Marketing Strategy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize data analytics and AI technology to optimize social media marketing efforts and improve campaign effectiveness.
Industry Implications
1. Ecommerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate social commerce functionalities into online retail platforms to leverage the power of social media in driving sales.
2. Digital Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative advertising formats and strategies that align with social media platforms to maximize brand reach and engagement.
3. Data Analytics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Harness social media data to gain actionable insights for targeted marketing campaigns and customer segmentation.

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