Globe-Trotting Mobile Videos

Snapdragon Cellphone Goes Around the World on One Charge

The Snapdragon cellphone by Qualcomm, one of the world's leading wireless technology providers, went around the world with only one battery charge. This quirky video was cleverly made, starting out in Los Angeles and then visiting city after city.

There was a visit to eight countries and video filming in nine different cities. With a total of 36,312 miles traveled, the Snapdragon cellphone touched base in Mumbai, New York City, Shanghai, Rio, London, Dubai, Paris and Moscow. For the duration of the video, each city visited was accompanied with a short show using camera angles to create illusion-like effects such as a woman bathing in a noodle bowl full of water. Another short showed a finger flicking away three men.

This video advertisement for Snapdragon Microprocessors is a very creative and fun way to showcase its product.
Trend Themes
1. Globe-trotting Videos - Opportunity to create viral marketing campaigns that showcase products in various global locations.
2. One-charge Technology - Opportunity to develop innovative batteries and power-saving features for mobile devices.
3. Illusion-like Effects - Opportunity to incorporate creative camera angles and special effects in video advertisements.
Industry Implications
1. Wireless Technology - Opportunity for wireless technology providers to showcase the capabilities of their products through global video campaigns.
2. Mobile Devices - Opportunity for mobile device manufacturers to innovate in battery technology and power management features for longer battery life.
3. Video Advertising - Opportunity for creative agencies to create engaging video advertisements with illusion-like effects and viral marketing potential.

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