Self-Making Duvets

The SMARTDUVET Automatically Makes Beds

The SMARTDUVET is a simple yet ingenious device that eliminates one of the most frequent and annoying household chores. The system, which attaches to any normal duvet, allows one's bed to make itself at the press of a button.

SMARTDUVET consists of three components: an inflatable framework, a Wi-Fi connected air pump, and a smartphone app. The biggest effort that goes into SMARTDUVET is in the initial setup. First, the user has to remove their duvet from the duvet cover and attach the SMARTDUVET framework on top of it. They then slide the whole system back in and attach it to the pump. After that, making one's bed will be a distant memory. The air pump can inflate the framework, causing it to return to the correct shape, and users can control the system through their smartphones.
Trend Themes
1. Self-making Duvets - Smart home devices like SMARTDUVET that automate household chores.
2. Inflatable Frameworks - The use of inflatable frameworks for a variety of furniture and household items.
3. App-controlled Home Devices - The increase in the popularity of app-controlled home devices for ease of use and convenience.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliances - Development of automated home appliance devices such as SMARTDUVET
2. Furniture - Furniture that incorporates inflatable frameworks for easy assembly and space-saving features.
3. Smart Home - Advancements in internet-connected smart home devices to make daily life more efficient.

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