Smart Bathroom TV Sets

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The SYLVOX Smart Waterproof TV Has an IP65 Rating

The SYLVOX Smart Waterproof TV is a connected entertainment solution for use in bathrooms to provide users with access to their favorite content when getting ready in the morning.

The TV features a 32-inch size that boasts a Linux-based operating system to easily support a wide range of apps including Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, Vudu and more. The TV will function as a mirror when not in use to help it neatly blend into the space and not disturb the design aesthetic.

The SYLVOX Smart Waterproof TV comes with a remote control for intuitive use and can be easily installed thanks to a magnetic design. The unit boasts an IP65 rating to ensure it can withstand continuous exposure to moisture.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Bathroom Technology - Opportunity for tech companies to develop more devices to increase convenience and entertainment in the bathroom.
2. Waterproof Electronics - Opportunity for manufacturers to expand their waterproofing technology for use in devices beyond smartphones and tablets.
3. Multifunctional Screens - Opportunity for manufacturers to incorporate more features, such as mirrors, into screens to enhance their functionality and versatility.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Companies in the consumer electronics sector can expand their product line into the bathroom specific products.
2. Home Improvement - Opportunity for the home improvement industry to offer customers smart home products that cater to a more luxurious lifestyle.
3. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts can enhance their customer experience by offering built in waterproof bathroom TVs in their rooms.

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