Connected Electronic Cigarettes

The Future Could Have a WiFi-Connected Smart E-Cigarette

According to a recent patent filed by Philip Morris, they are working on developing a smart e-cigarette that is WiFi connected. The web-enabled product would be able to connect to other devices. This means it could potentially sync to a mobile app that is intended to help people quit smoking, and track their progress carefully.

The smart e-cigarette patent discovered by The Atlantic magazine also details it could be connected via USB as well. For added incentive to help smokers kick the habit for good, the connected electronic cigarette could make you 'pay per puff' as it would have intelligent tracking abilities. Users would have to buy credit through the accompanying app and load up in order to use the cigarette properly.

This is certainly an interesting take on incentives-based tracking technology.
Trend Themes
1. Smart E-cigarettes - Integrating WiFi and apps into e-cigarettes could lead to more personalized and effective smoking cessation tools.
2. Tracking Technology for Quitting Smoking - Intelligent tracking abilities like ‘pay per puff’ could incentivize users to quit smoking for good, while offering a new market potential for e-cigarette companies.
3. Connected Health - The rise of connected electronic cigarettes is part of a larger trend towards integrating technology into health products, creating opportunities for collaboration between tech and healthcare industries.
Industry Implications
1. E-cigarette Industry - The development of smart e-cigarettes creates an opportunity for existing companies in the e-cigarette industry to innovate and differentiate their products.
2. Healthcare Industry - The integration of technology into health products through smart e-cigarettes presents new opportunities for healthcare companies to connect with consumers and explore personalized healthcare solutions.
3. Technology Industry - The rise of connected health products, like smart e-cigarettes, presents an opportunity for technology companies to expand their reach into a new market and work with healthcare providers to create innovative solutions.

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