Barrier-Based Pest Controls

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Slick Barrier is an Eco Friendly Low VOC Coating That Keeps Pests Out

Slick Barrier is a new form of pest control being crowdsourced on Kickstarter. The coating dries hard, smooth, and slick
so that pests -- including insects and rodents -- cannot climb in and enter the home. A few inches of the coating should be applied around, under, or near areas pests can gain access to keep them from entering. It can also be used indoors on baseboards and furniture.

Slick Barrier is a water-based eco-friendly ultra low VOC product (under 90 g/l) that does not contain pesticides of any kind. In addition, Slick Barrier System was shown to increase the effectiveness of pesticides because pests spend more time in the pesticides as they struggle to climb up the smooth surface.
Trend Themes
1. Barrier-based Pest Control - Development of new technologies that use physical or chemical barriers to keep pests out is a great opportunity for eco-friendly pest control.
2. Eco-friendly Pest Control - The demand for eco-friendly pest control products is growing with increasing awareness about the negative impacts of pesticides on the environment.
3. Crowdfunding for Pest Control - Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter are being used to launch innovative pest control products that are eco-friendly and effective at the same time.
Industry Implications
1. Home Improvement - Home improvement industry can take advantage of the development of eco-friendly pest control products and promote their use among homeowners to protect their properties from pests.
2. Pest Control Services - Pest control services can incorporate the use of eco-friendly physical barriers and coatings to attract the segment of consumers who are willing to pay for green pest control solutions.
3. Chemical Manufacturing - Chemical manufacturing companies can focus on developing low VOC coatings and barriers that are effective in repelling pests as a safer alternative to traditional pesticides.

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