Superimposed Album Cover Selfies

Sleeveface Blog Marries Iconic Vinyl LP Imagery with Reality

Sleeveface blog superimposes classic vinyl record imagery into everyday situations. The result is a phenomenon that has been referred to as "sleevefacing", a word that describes the act of covering one's face with a classic LP record and taking an unexpected selfie.

Sleeveface blog features images of everyday people who are superimposed with vinyl imagery of The Doors' frontman Jim Morrison, pop icon Madonna and even award-winning British singer Adele.

This web platform highlights the best of sleevefacing and will inspire music fans and vinyl record collectors to try their hand at this fun fad. If you're a fan of interesting selfies, make your own sleeveface masterpiece and add a winning shot to your Instagram page.
Trend Themes
1. Vinyl Revival - Embracing the nostalgia of vinyl records and incorporating them into modern technology or experiences.
2. Interactive Selfies - Exploring creative ways to engage with traditional selfies by incorporating artistic elements or iconic imagery.
3. Digital Retro Fusion - Blending the digital and analog worlds through the juxtaposition of old and new media.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Developing innovative techniques or apps that merge photography with artistic elements, such as vinyl record superimposition.
2. Social Media - Creating novel platforms or features that encourage users to share interactive selfies incorporating iconic imagery.
3. Music and Entertainment - Capitalizing on the vinyl revival trend by offering unique products or experiences that cater to music fans and collectors.

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