Presidential Pie Charts

The Slate/SurveyMonkey Political Graph asks Tough Questions

The Slate/SurveyMonkey Political Graph takes a humorous approach to presidents. Although stances on the post-recession economy and the wars that the United States are engaged in are all important in an election, doesn't personality matter the most in picking a leader?

This is the hilarious presumption for this amusing survey issued by Slate and SurveyMonkey. The charts present questions like "which Presidential candidate would you rather have over for dinner?" They also present legitimate questions such as "whom would you vote for?"

The correlation between the two is only slightly apparent from what is gathered. While Obama wins with a near majority in all the personality-based questionnaires, this does not stop (presumably) the same people who voted in favor of his personality to then state they disapprove of his leadership.
Trend Themes
1. Personality-based Leadership - Exploring the idea that personality is the most important factor in selecting a leader, rather than policy or qualifications.
2. Humorous Political Surveys - Using humor and unconventional questions to engage audiences in political discussions and opinions.
3. Discrepancy Between Personality and Leadership - Examining the disconnect between public perception of a leader's personality and their approval of their actual leadership abilities.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Opportunity to develop innovative survey methodologies that engage and entertain respondents while gathering valuable data.
2. Political Consulting - Potential to use humor and unconventional approaches in political campaigns to connect with voters on a deeper level.
3. Psychology - Exploring the influence of personality traits on leadership perception and its implications in various fields, including politics.

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