Composite Furniture Creations

The Slagbaenk Uses Two Found Objects to Form a Multifunctional Item

Constructing one furnishing out of other existing pieces isn't the most common method for building entirely new pieces; nevertheless, the Slagbaenk Bench has been built from a pair of dining chairs and five planks of timber.

Rather than beginning from scratch, designer Rasmus Baekkel Fex, took two pre-made wooden seats with sufficiently spaced bracing. The lengths of lumber fit through the gaps perfectly, allowing B°Fex to assemble a broader spot to sit, as well as a place to store things. A panel laid on top of the leg supports creates a base for this compartment, while a piece of pine positioned across the tops of the seats forms a lid, offering the space to for more people to sit on the Slagbaenk Bench.
Trend Themes
1. Composite Furniture - The trend of creating new furniture pieces by combining existing objects, resulting in unique and multifunctional designs.
2. Upcycling - The trend of repurposing materials to create new furniture pieces, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
3. Multifunctional Design - The trend of designing furniture that serves multiple purposes, optimizing space and functionality.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The furniture design industry can explore the opportunities of composite furniture by creating innovative and sustainable products.
2. Interior Design - The interior design industry can incorporate upcycled furniture pieces as a way to add character and sustainable elements to their projects.
3. Home Storage Solutions - The home storage solutions industry can embrace multifunctional design concepts to offer innovative and space-saving furniture options.

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