Fake Broken Websites

Maison Martin Margiela Site Not Under Construction

Web surfers have invariably run into the dreaded 404 - Page Not Found message. Occasionally surfers will run into the "index" or "parent" directory which is the code behind the web page. Here's a design company that convinced their client that making their site look broken would be good for business. Renown fashion conclave Maison Martin Margiela introduced o the concept and their site, and it truly does stand out from their competition. It probably won't win any awards for web design, but for attention grabbing design, this website really slows you down - in a good way.
Trend Themes
1. Fake Broken Websites - Businesses intentionally making their website appear broken for attention-grabbing design.
2. Disruptive Web Design - Challenging traditional web design concepts for brands to stand out from competition.
3. Anti-perfectionism - Encouraging businesses to embrace flawed design as a unique marketing strategy.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands integrating fake broken website designs as part of their brand identity to attract new customers.
2. Marketing - Marketing agencies utilizing this disruptive web design trend to promote unconventional advertising for clients.
3. Digital Media - Website design startups specializing in unconventional web design to offer brands a unique digital identity.

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