Guerilla Playground Games

The Sidewalk Tetherball Stopped Surprisingly Few Playful Pedestrians

What would you do if you came across ball that was tied to a rope that was tied to the top of a parking sign on the side of the street? The Sidewalk Tetherball project documents this scenario and demonstrates just how many people were not drawn in by is presence.

Matt Richardson and Ben Light had the wonderfully whimsical idea of placing a piece of schoolyard equipment out of context and endeavored to discover just how the public would react to it. Perhaps unsurpisingly, most people who walked by did not even notice it. Many of them passed it looking confused and plenty examined it and smiled. From what the Sidewalk Tetherball video shows, very few people gave it a punch or a whack and just one group indulged in a friendly match.
Trend Themes
1. Public Space Engagement - Opportunity for businesses to create interactive installations in public spaces to engage with passersby.
2. Contextual Marketing - Opportunity for brands to create unexpected experiences by placing their products or services in unconventional locations.
3. Experiential Advertising - Opportunity for companies to use experiential advertising techniques to surprise and entertain potential customers.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunities in this industry include creating immersive experiential campaigns to captivate consumers.
2. Event Planning - Opportunities in event planning include designing unique installations and activations to enhance attendee experiences.
3. Public Art - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the public art sector involve incorporating interactive elements to encourage public engagement and participation.

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