Chore Coat Graphic Jackets

STORY mfg. Introduces the Short on Time Jacket with Fermented Dye

U.K.-based fashion label STORY mfg introduces the new Short on Time jacket to join the brand's Fall/Winter 2021 roster of apparel. This is the brand's third piece and will be available at Garbstore, a London-based retail brand. The fashion label works with natural indigo dyes to create the jacket using fermented indigo specifically.

This means that every single item will develop a unique look due to its special patina. The silhouette is a chore coat style and at the front features two large date palm trees that are embroidered on. It is held together with interchangeable buttons and boasts a boxy fit overall. The Short on Time jacket is now available to shop online at Garbstore.
Trend Themes
1. Natural Dye Fashion - The trend of using natural dyes in the fashion industry creates an opportunity for clothing brands to differentiate themselves and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Handcrafted Apparel - The trend of handcrafted apparel showcases the value of traditional craftsmanship in a world that is increasingly dominated by mass-produced goods. There is an opportunity for designers to create unique and one-of-a-kind items that stand out in a crowded market.
3. Unique Patina Apparel - The trend of creating apparel with unique patinas creates an opportunity for designers to experiment with different dyeing techniques and create items that develop a unique look over time.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate natural dyes and handcrafted techniques to create unique and sustainable clothing that appeals to conscious consumers.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Textile manufacturers can invest in the development of natural dyes and cultivate handcrafted techniques to produce textiles with unique qualities and properties.
3. Retail - Retail brands can offer handcrafted, natural dye apparel to differentiate themselves from competitors and appeal to consumers who value sustainability and uniqueness in their clothing choices.

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