Beautifully Embossed Amphoras

The Shine Vases Exude an "Idea Beyond Crystal"

With the Shine Vases, the contours embodied are quite different from the actual space provided inside. These stylish pieces by Eugeni Quitllet present an intriguing formal interplay of light, color, texture and dimension as transparent illusions that decorate your home all on their own.

Indeed, you wouldn't even require bouquets of flowers to place within the Shine Vases, for they're sufficiently optically compelling when left empty. You can discern the narrow and conical cavities created in the plexiglass; this material projects to shape thick shells with voluptuous curves and silhouettes that are embellished with fine surface ripples, rays and raised grids. The Shine Vases collection comprises bold and elevated dishes in clear or colorful versions.
Trend Themes
1. Embossed Vases - Opportunity for creating vases with embossed textures and optical illusions that enhance visual appeal.
2. Decorative Illusions - Opportunity to explore transparent illusions and interplay of light, color, texture, and dimension in home decor.
3. Bold Dish Designs - Opportunity to design elevated dishes with bold shapes, clear or colorful, for decorative purposes.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity for introducing visually appealing vases and decorative elements with embossed textures and illusions.
2. Glassware - Opportunity for glassware industry to explore new designs and techniques that create optical illusions and unique surface textures.
3. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to experiment with optical illusions, textures, and unconventional shapes in their creations.

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