Pro-Open Source Sites

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Shareable Website Shows the Good Will Ability of the Internet

Open source software doesn’t always get good press in the mainstream media, which isn’t surprising considering its basic principles. Namely, no one profits (financially) from the use of open source. Instead, the far-reaching benefits are through using it, and that is what the Shareable website hopes to convey.

The Shareable website is a new online forum for discussing how to make life better through sharing. Sharing software is just the beginning. The Shareable website is for sharing cars, sharing housing, sharing technology, sharing…your crayons with the other kids in class.
Trend Themes
1. Open Source Adoption - Open source software is gaining popularity as businesses recognize its potential for collaborative innovation and cost savings.
2. Collaborative Consumption - The rise of sharing economy platforms like the Shareable website indicates a growing trend towards sharing resources to reduce waste and increase efficiency.
3. Sharing Economy - The Shareable website exemplifies the emerging concept of a sharing economy, where individuals and businesses can share assets and resources for mutual benefit.
Industry Implications
1. Software Development - The open source movement presents opportunities for software developers to collaborate on projects and create innovative solutions without the limitations of proprietary software.
2. Transportation - The concept of sharing cars showcased on the Shareable website opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in the transportation industry, such as car-sharing services or peer-to-peer car rental platforms.
3. Hospitality - The Shareable website's focus on sharing housing highlights opportunities for disruption in the hospitality industry through platforms that facilitate homesharing or co-living arrangements.

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