Creepy Voyeuristic Virals

LG Phone Ad Proves Touch Screens Make Women Obey

LG has a new phone called Secret and put out a sexy video highlighting the touch screen. It's a little creepy to me, but some voyeurism won't kill you, right? Well, I had to watch this 18 times before I decided it was too odd.

Oh, the phone? It's an LG Secret, and um, uh, it has a touch screen. Wait, I'll watch the video again: Nope.

I still don't know anymore about the phone from the ad... But did I mention it has a touch screen that makes hot women do what you want in bed?
Trend Themes
1. Voyeuristic Marketing - Opportunity for companies to create provocative and intriguing content to engage consumers on a personal level.
2. Emphasis on Sensory Experience - Incorporating touch screens and other sensory technologies into marketing campaigns to enhance customer engagement and product appeal.
3. Controversial Advertising - Utilizing edgy and provocative content to grab attention and generate buzz for a product or brand.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Incorporating touch screen technology into various devices and applications to create more interactive and user-friendly experiences.
2. Fashion and Beauty - Using provocative and visually appealing advertisements to capture attention and create desire for products in the fashion and beauty industry.
3. Entertainment - Creating controversial and captivating content that sparks curiosity and conversation around movies, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment.

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