Remodeled Italian Grotto Hotels

The Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita is Located in an Old Cave

The Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita is a hotel located in Southern Italy. Swedish entrepreneur Daniele Kihlgren remodeled the ancient cave which was once a space used by the area's farmers.

Although this breathtaking grotto fell apart over the years, Kihlgren ensured that the rubble was reassembled by returning each stone to its proper position.

The accommodations offered by Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita provide a mixture of old and new elements. Although fully equipped with beds and baths, Kihlgren avoided the incorporation of any type of modern technology that would interfere with the serene, primordial environment. The only updates that were permitted were those that would remain invisible for lodgers. Regardless, the amenities meet the needs of today's traveller.
Trend Themes
1. Remodeled Cave Hotels - Entrepreneurs can consider remodeling natural caves and grottos into unique lodging experiences that offer a mixture of old and new elements.
2. Preservation of Historical Sites - There is an opportunity for businesses to preserve historical sites and landmarks by remodelling them into functional spaces that more people can enjoy.
3. Tech-free Accommodations - Entrepreneurs can develop unique lodging experiences by offering tech-free environments that provide a serene and primordial environment.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hospitality industry entrepreneurs may consider remodeling unique accommodations from natural limestone and cave systems to attract customers.
2. Conservation - Conservation organizations can join forces with entrepreneurs to redesign and preserve historical sites and landmarks for future generations to enjoy.
3. Tourism - Tourism and travel industry businesses can take advantage of unique lodging experiences that offer an off-the-beaten-path experience to attract customers.

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