Mature Sex Toy Designs

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Salomé Bazin & Giulia Tomasello Designa Sex Toy for Older Women

The Tides massager is a sex toy for older women. The product was created by designers Salomé Bazin and Giulia Tomasello who wanted to "break down taboos" and social conditioning while empowering women in the midlife to older age range by encouraging them to "explore their sexuality."

Tides' design is informed through field research. Salomé Bazin and Giulia Tomasello partnered with Noon to survey more than 300 women about their experience in menopause. Interviews and workshops were also part of this engagement process. The findings culminated in the final form of Tides. The device is minimalist, round, and elegant with a nodule in the front (the vibration area) which can "be used on both large muscles as well as sensitive areas."
Trend Themes
1. Sex Toy Design for Older Women - Designing sex toys that cater to the needs of older women creates a market opportunity that addresses people's changing sexual needs over time.
2. Research-informed Sex Toy Design - Using field research to inform sex toy design could lead to innovative solutions that address specific and nuanced sexual needs.
3. Breaking Taboos in Sex Toy Design - Designing sex toys that challenge social norms around aging and sexuality can create new markets and promote social progress.
Industry Implications
1. Sex Toy Industry - The sex toy industry can benefit from designing products that cater to the needs of older women who may have previously felt excluded from this market.
2. Medical Devices Industry - The medical devices industry could explore opportunities in designing sex toys that help address specific sexual challenges that arise with age, such as vaginal dryness or decreased sensitivity.
3. Consumer Goods Industry - The consumer goods industry can leverage research-informed design to create more inclusive products and break down social taboos around aging and sexuality.

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