Promoting Prepared Parenthood

Aliya-Jasmine Sovani Hosts Flare Magazine’s Sex Ed 2.0 Event

While men inherently get to choose when to have a family and when to focus their careers, women don’t always get that choice—which is where Flare’s Sex Ed 2.0 comes in. Trend Hunter sat down with former 1 Girl 5 Gays host Aliya-Jasmine Sovani, who also participated in the Google Hangout.

The TV host, writer and producer shared some shocking statistics, like half of the pregnancies in Canada are unintended, and half of those end in abortion. The women’s health advocate discusses how important it is for women to be ready before becoming mothers and to be informed about the best birth control method for their bodies, which is why she was involved in Sex Ed 2.0. The MTV Canada personality cites programming like Teen Mom, which proves how important it is for women to be prepared.
Trend Themes
1. Prepared Parenthood - Education programs focused on reproductive health and family planning, promoting awareness and accessibility to birth control methods.
2. Women's Health Advocacy - Advocacy for women's welfare, promoting equal opportunities and access to healthcare services.
3. Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Programs that tackle teen sexuality topics, aimed at promoting sexual health and preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunities include the development of innovative birth control methods, telemedicine services, and reproductive health technologies.
2. Education - Disruptive innovation opportunities include e-learning platforms focused on reproductive health, gamification, and engaging digital experiences.
3. Media and Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunities include socially-responsible programming, infotainment content, and community engagement campaigns for reproductive health.

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