Ocean Trash Artistry

Sergio Garval Depicts People on Top of Objects Dumped into Bodies of Water

These Sergio Garval paintings resemble what I imagine people to look like while they’re trashing hotel rooms, only they’re destroying pricey furniture while in the middle of the ocean. Men and women alike are desecrating ritzy chairs and seen beside piles damaged cars, and though the premise may seem nonsensical, it’s nearly impossible to remove your eyes from these masterpieces.

Sergio Garval renders in somewhat of an impressionistic manner, focusing on emulating the general shape and feel of an object rather than focusing on refined details. The colors he uses complement one another and pop in all the right areas to deliver visuals that punch audiences’ eyes. His subjects also all seem to have extraordinary balance to be able to stand on floating objects so sturdily.
Trend Themes
1. Ocean Conservation Art - Opportunity to create art that raises awareness for ocean conservation issues by using recycled ocean waste as materials.
2. Sustainable Furniture Design - Opportunity to design furniture that not only looks luxurious, but is also made from sustainable or recycled materials to reduce environmental impact.
3. Tourism Sustainability - Opportunity to promote sustainable tourism practices and educate travelers on responsible vacation habits to reduce negative impacts on oceans.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Sustainability-focused artists and galleries can showcase artworks that raise awareness and promote ocean conservation.
2. Furniture - Furniture companies can design and manufacture sustainable luxury furniture made from recycled or responsibly sourced materials.
3. Tourism - Tourism companies can promote sustainable practices and offer tours and activities that educate travelers on responsible vacation habits and ocean conservation.

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