Illuminated Buddha Chairs

The 'Sereno Armchair' Lets Consumers Relax in Buddha's Lap

While Buddhism preaches release from earthly possessions, even devotees might be interested in taking a sit on the Sereno Armchair. The glowing, polyethylene Buddha sculpture doubles as a comfortable chair that's perfect for meditating as an attempt to reach nirvana -- or simply relaxing after a hard day at work.

The Sereno Armchair is appealing for fans of Oriental art in that it merges form and function. Its smooth surface makes it easy for consumers to comfortably sit in the holy figure's lap, yet the piece is attractive on its own merit, making it a beautiful sculpture even while there isn't a tranquil person seated atop it.

Ignoring the irony of purchasing a possession that depicts a holy figure who spurned possessions, the Sereno Armchair's gentle glow and soothing appearance make it a calming piece.
Trend Themes
1. Buddha-inspired Furniture - Create more stylish and functional furniture pieces based on Buddha and other spiritual figures.
2. Sculptural Chairs - Design chairs that can double as beautiful sculptures even when not in use.
3. Light-up Furniture - Develop more illuminated furniture pieces that offer a calming ambiance.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - The furniture industry could incorporate more spiritual elements that merge form and function.
2. Art - The Sereno Armchair demonstrates an opportunity for artists to create standout, functional pieces.
3. Interior Design - More light-up furniture options could enhance ambiance in various interiors such as office spaces, hotels, and homes.

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