Political Accessories

Jeweler Offers Sterling Senate Seat Replica Charm

Blagojevich isn’t the only person selling U.S. Senate seats. Brad Pettet learned from Illinois Governor Blagojevich that selling Senate seats has potential to be very lucrative, so the jeweler whipped up some Blagojevich Senate Seat charms and is asking for "donations" to the Al Pettet Retirement Fund (which is his pocket.)

The charms are 3/4 inch replicas of actual Senate seats. Blagojevich tried to sell one senate seat, now Pettet would like to sell thousands. They come in sterling, gold, even platinum. $35 to $175 and up depending on market prices. Pettet is philosophical about Blagojevich.

"After I crossed into Illinois a few days ago, recurring signs mounted to overpasses every few miles stated something to the effect of, ‘Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich Welcomes You to Illinois.’ At that point, I sighed, took a sip of something that was either warm soda or cold coffee, and said, ‘Goodbye Rod.’"

But since, every scandal has a silver lining - literally in this case, Pettet is going for the gold. I’m sure he’s hoping that Blagojevich has more than his 15 minutes of fame.
Trend Themes
1. Replica Charms - Creating replica charms of famous objects or symbols can be a lucrative business opportunity.
2. Political Memorabilia - Designing and selling political memorabilia items can be a profitable venture, especially during scandals and controversies.
3. Personalized Accessories - Offering personalized accessories that reflect current events and political figures can attract interested customers.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry - The jewelry industry can tap into the market for replica charms and personalized accessories.
2. Collectibles - The collectibles industry can benefit from the demand for political memorabilia and replica charms.
3. Gift and Souvenir - The gift and souvenir industry can capitalize on the popularity of personalized accessories related to political figures.

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