Autonomous Auto Infographics

CJ Pony Parts Looks into the Future of Self-Driving Cars

There have been tons of advancements to self-driving cars over the past couple of years, but these autonomous automobiles are only legal in just a few US states. This graphic from CJ Pony parts takes a look at the future of cars that can drive themselves and what this might mean for passengers.

Since the majority of car crashes are caused by some sort of human error, something like the Google Self-Driving Car could change the way we experience road travel forever. Google's driverless car has gone 700,000 miles without accident, which is quite remarkable since the average driver only travels about 15,000 miles annually. In addition to safety, some of the bonus features of a self-driving car include time saved on commutes, more room on the road and higher speed limits, which could prove to make road travel far more efficient in the future.
Trend Themes
1. Self-driving Cars - The advancement of self-driving cars presents opportunities for safer and more efficient road travel.
2. Autonomous Technology - The development of autonomous technology has the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry.
3. Enhanced Commuting Experience - Self-driving cars offer the potential for improved commuting experiences through time-saving and increased efficiency.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry should explore and invest in self-driving technology to stay competitive in the evolving market.
2. Technology - The technology industry has the opportunity to innovate and develop autonomous systems for various applications.
3. Transportation - The transportation industry can benefit from the implementation of self-driving cars to improve safety and efficiency.

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