Egg Shell-Based Stools

Eggo! by Sebastian Aumer is Surprisingly Sturdy

Sebastian Aumer has designed the Eggo! stool, a product made from egg shells. The entire piece isn't made from the substance, but a good 70% is, meaning that the artist took some serious time putting these together and ensuring they didn't break the minute someone sits on them.

The Eggo! stools look similar to other chairs, and if users didn't know they were made from egg shells, it would be extremely hard to tell. For those who are only looking to use environmentally friendly furniture, the stools are made from recyclable material such as starch and even vinegar. To ensure less waste was thrown away from bakeries, Sebastian Aumer took the discarded eggshells from these businesses, and used them to make these egg-based stools. Photo Credits: designboom, sebastianaumer
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Furniture - The use of recyclable materials such as eggshells, starch, and vinegar in furniture design.
2. Sustainable Manufacturing - Repurposing discarded eggshells from bakeries for the creation of innovative products.
3. Circular Economy - Utilizing waste materials, such as eggshells, in the manufacturing process to reduce waste and promote resource efficiency.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Exploring new materials and production methods to create eco-friendly furniture designs.
2. Bakery Industry - Finding innovative ways to repurpose waste materials like eggshells to reduce environmental impact.
3. Recycling Industry - Developing technologies and systems to efficiently process and reuse waste materials in manufacturing processes.

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