Wavy Gravity-Shifting Sculptures

Mariko Mori Creates a Sculpture That Challenges Scientific Theory

A sculpture that challenges beliefs and theories is one worth seeing. The 'Invisible Dimension' — an on-going exhibition by Mariko Mori, showcases the artist's body of work as one that actively pushes the boundaries of material use, creative techniques and scientific theories.

Mariko Mori's sculptures are created with stainless steel and glass fiber; they boast a continuously otherworldly exterior and are designed as a commentary on the Ekpyrotic Universe — a cutting-edge astrophysics theory that contradicts the idea that the Big Bang marks the birth of the universe.

A sculpture that challenges spatial awareness is also one worth witnessing. Mori's work does not only communicate ideas on a conceptual level, but it also creates wonder through the way it interacts with space. Eerie and transcendental, the two central pieces — Cycloid V and Ekpyrotic String VI, visually defy gravity by "embracing the columns in the gallery."

Photo Credits: Jason Wyche
Trend Themes
1. Astrophysics Art - Artists can explore astrophysics theories to create thought-provoking installations and sculptures.
2. Spatial Awareness Sculptures - Sculptors can create works that challenge spatial awareness and interact with the environment in innovative ways.
3. Gravity-defying Art - Innovative materials and design can result in sculptures that appear to defy gravity or challenge scientific theories.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art - Artists working in fine art can explore interdisciplinary themes like astrophysics to create unique works.
2. Architecture - Architects can use spatial awareness and gravity-defying techniques to create structures that challenge traditional design practices.
3. Material Science - Advancements in material science can enable the creation of sculptures and installations that push the boundaries of traditional mediums.

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