Macabre Money Skulls

Scott Campbell's Noblesse Oblige Features Laser Currency Art

Scott Campbell's recent art exhibit, dubbed Noblesse Oblige, is nothing short of amazing. The currency art is a virtual 3D rendering made of laser-cut methods to showcase art such as a skull and the inside of an ostrich egg. Campbell's roots are from tattooing, but his work has earned him projects from prestigious fashion houses such as Louis Vuitton.

In Noblesse Oblige, Campbell uses ink, copper, currency, and neon to showcase not only his currency art, but also his skull piece in tempered work. One of the currency art pieces uses $11,000 worth of authentic U.S. Mint currency. Scott Campbell's currency art is currently on exhibit at the OHWOW show in Los Angeles, which also doubles as Scott Campbell's west coast debut.
Trend Themes
1. Currency Art - There may be opportunities for disruption in the art world by leveraging new technology and unconventional materials.
2. Laser Cutting - Laser cutting technology may disrupt traditional methods of art creation.
3. Combining Art and Fashion - The intersection of art and fashion may provide opportunities for innovative collaborations.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art world may be disrupted by new technologies and unconventional materials.
2. Fashion - Opportunities may exist for innovative collaborations between artists and fashion houses.
3. Manufacturing - New applications for laser cutting technology may emerge in the manufacturing industry.

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