Driverless Cop Cars

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Scarab is Designed for Pursuing Bad Boys

Designer Carl Archambeault's 'Scarab' is a self-driven police car for high speed chases. In other words, Scarab is a real-life K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider -- but without David Hasselhoff behind the wheel.

The car is an electric robot chase assistant to lower the number of Police casualities in high speed chases. Scarab is lightweight and emission-free vehicle that sits ideal beside a patrol car. Whenever a speeding vehicle is detected, the officer tags the speeding car with a radar gun and passes it on to Scarab to chase.

This chase automobile has no weapons, but there could be possibilities to equip it with an EMP or signal jamming device.
Trend Themes
1. Driverless Cop Cars - The trend of developing self-driven police cars for high-speed chases.
2. Lowering Police Casualties - The trend of designing vehicles to assist in high-speed chases to reduce the risk of officer casualties.
3. Lightweight and Emission-free Vehicles - The trend of creating lightweight and environmentally friendly vehicles to support law enforcement operations.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore developing driverless cop cars with advanced chase capabilities and safety features.
2. Law Enforcement - The law enforcement industry can adopt and utilize self-driven police cars to improve response times and officer safety during high-speed chases.
3. Technology - The technology industry can contribute to the development of innovative features for driverless cop cars, such as EMP or signal jamming devices for non-lethal force options.

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