Anger Outburts for Publicity

Christian Bale and Russell Crowe Boost Their Ratings

Christian Bale may have learned more than acting after starring with Russell Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma. Bale may have learned that bad boys finish first from Crowe.

Bale is accused of assaulting the two women in his life, his mother, and his size zero wife, Sandra Sibi Blazic, who is a former model and personal assistant to actress Winona Ryder.

"Christian was stressed, but he didn’t lay a finger on anyone," a source told the Daily Mail in the UK. "Instead, he flew off the handle and cussed his mother. He just got very loud because his mother was saying some very outrageous things about him, and his wife.."

"He can have a terrible temper. Instead of lashing out at his wife, he sometimes lashes out at people around him."

Crowe, you may recall, reportedly threw a phone at a hotel employee. Even though some speculate that the bad press killed his chance at receiving an Oscar for Cinderella Man, 3:10 to Yuma got lots of buzz, but no nominations for acting.

Even though Crowe didn’t get the accolades, his film career hardly missed a step.

Bale already has Terminator Salvation in the can, ready for release next May.

Trend Themes
1. Publicity Stunts - Christian Bale and Russell Crowe demonstrate that shocking behavior can generate buzz and attention.
2. Controversial Personalities - Actors with a history of scandal and bad behavior continue to thrive in the entertainment industry.
3. Tabloid Culture - Celebrity gossip and scandals continue to captivate the public's attention and drive media consumption.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can capitalize on the public's fascination with controversial celebrity behavior.
2. Media - Media outlets can generate more traffic and ad revenue by covering salacious topics and controversial celebrities.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Brands can leverage the power of scandal and controversy in their advertisements to capture the public's attention.

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