Metropolitan Sand Castles

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The Matt Long Giant Sand Castles Found Their Way to New York City

In order to bring the beach to New York City, sculptor Matt Long decided to create some amazing sand castles on the busy streets. The giant sand castles are shockingly detailed considering the amount of noise and movement that plagues the booming environment.

These massive sand castles are part of a campaign to bring "free and fun summer events to tourists and New Yorkers." Not only can you pick up some clothing from your favorite designers, but now New York City houses a sprawling beach to enjoy some summer fun -- talk about a dynamic place! Long created two sand castles; the first is a traditional piece that could have been directly taken from the medieval era, the second being a giant ship sailing through some sand-driven waves.
Trend Themes
1. Sandcastle Street Art - Opportunities to create temporary street art installations that incorporate natural materials into urban environments.
2. Urban Beaches - Potential for creating pop-up urban beaches in metropolitan areas to provide access to oceanfront experiences otherwise unavailable.
3. Interactive Urban Art - Opportunities to create interactive art installations that engage and delight city-dwellers and tourists alike.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Potential for creating unique tourist experiences in busy urban areas that utilize natural materials such as sand to create temporary installations.
2. Events - Opportunities to create free and fun summer events that draw visitors and locals to public spaces previously underutilized for leisure activities.
3. Fashion - The potential for partnerships between artists and designers to create public art installations that offer interactive and memorable experiences for their customers.

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