Fishy Fashion Accessories

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Ryann Cooley Puts Together an 'Ode to Cotan'

Ryann Cooley has put together an interesting photo portfolio showcasing fashion accessories. Juxtaposing various pieces with vegetable produce and fish, he encourages an inevitable comparison between the two.

Complementing each other, fish are placed with gleaming, scale-like purses and shoes while deep green accessories are paired with equally luscious produce. Ryann Cooley's still life settings definitely show that much more can be done in the realm of fashion accessory photography.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion-accessory Photography - Innovative still life photography showcasing the distinctiveness of fashion accessories can disrupt the fashion industry.
2. Eco-friendly Fashion Accessories - Creating sustainable and eco-friendly fashion accessories that appeal to consumers can revolutionize the fashion industry.
3. Incorporating Natural Elements - Integrating organic elements like vegetables and fish creatively with fashion accessories could trigger an avant-garde trend in the fashion industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Creative fashion accessories photography can help promote brands and increase consumer demand in the competitive fashion industry.
2. Sustainability - Eco-friendly fashion accessories using natural materials and fewer chemicals can disrupt the fashion industry while balancing sustainability.
3. Food - The food industry can create collaborative marketing opportunities with the fashion accessories industry - incorporating food elements in fashion accessories may create an industry segment inspired by the food industry

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