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Hot and Cold Concept Watch

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Rub. Feel. Know Watch For The Visually Impaired

To facilitate the visually impaired to be on the time, Korean designer Lee Hung Hoon created a concept watch named Rub. Feel. Know that uses dermal sensations to intuitively, yet precisely, deliver time.

Beautifully designed, this sleek wrist watch has different circular shapes, each one with a different temperature. To find out the time you only need to touch and feel it. The hour hand is a concave circle with a temperature of 37 degree C. The minute hand is a smaller convex circle with a temperature of 12 degree C. A mark located on the upper part indicates the twelve-hour. The watch chain is open to wear it easily and comes in a white color.

An additional benefit of this watch is that it can be used by anyone, especially while driving or in the absence of light because it requires a single touch.

It is nice to find an artistically clever design that serves a social purpose.

Implications - For the visually handicapped is not easy to know the time, even when they have a voice-supporting product, which can be inconvenient depending on time and place. Rub. Feel. Know watch provides a viable solution, resulting in a better quality of life.

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