Harmonious Annual Colors

Pantone's Dual Colors of the Year Are Rose Quartz Pink and Serenity Blue

For 2016, the respected Pantone Color Institute's color of the year is, in fact, a pair of colors: Rose Quartz Pink and Serenity Blue.

Each year, the Pantone Color Institute convenes a secret panel of color experts to select the precise color that will define the upcoming year. This year, for the first time ever, the color Illuminati have chosen two influential hues. The harmonious pastel pair offers a duality that is, according to Pantone, integral to the year 2016. It represents peace and cooperation in a chaotic world. It represents equality between genders, increasing acceptance of transgender people and the rise of androgyny and unisex fashion in the world of style and beauty.

The Pantone color of the year is an influential choice in the worlds of fashion, art and design and is truly a reflection of the current zeitgeist. As such, taste makers and innovators would do well to pay attention to the message of wellness and harmony represented by Rose Quartz Pink and Serenity Blue.
Trend Themes
1. Harmonious Color Pairing - The use of harmonious color pairing in design, fashion, and art to promote peace and wellness.
2. Gender-neutral Fashion - The rise of androgynous and unisex fashion as a result of increasing acceptance of transgender people.
3. Pantone Color of the Year - The influence of the Pantone Color Institute's color selection on the fashion, art, and design industries.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The use of Rose Quartz Pink and Serenity Blue in fashion to promote gender-neutral and harmonious styles.
2. Interior Design Industry - The use of Rose Quartz Pink and Serenity Blue in interior design to promote wellness and peace in living spaces.
3. Graphic Design Industry - The use of harmonious color pairing in graphic design to promote peaceful and calming visual experiences.

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